Saturday, 13 March 2010

Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Today is the day of our trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach ! I had pre booked the tickets online a couple of weeks ago. Ordering online entitled you to 50% discount. Bargain i thought & so did hundreds of people who were there also today. The day started off with myself & Brandon collecting Steph around 945am and heading off to Grandma's for our "full breakfast" before our journey. Around 1115am , we decided to head off , dropping my Mum off in town on the way. Brandon & Steph played against each other on there DS's on the way there. Arriving on the Promenade around 1230pm i found a perfect car parking spot as a car was just pulling away as i was passing. We had an hour in the Arcades & Brandon saw his "Midget" friend Tony there too. We had a great 4 or 5 hours of fun in the Pleasure Beach before heading home around 6pm. We stopped off at KFC in Levenshulme on the way back & duly demolished a family feast between us. Steph looked totally worn out when she got out of the car heading towards her mums house. Must of been the sea air. Great day , arriving home safe and sound around 815pm totally shattered , that sea air really does make you tired...

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